Banded Butterflyfish
 Banded Butterflyfish Juvenile
 Bar Jack
 Bar Jack & Yellow Goatfish
 Bermuda Chub
 Beugregory Juvenile
 Bicolor Damselfish
 Black Durgon
 Black Sea Rod
 Blue Chromis
 Blue Sympodium
 Blue Sympodium
 Blue Tang
 Blue Tang
 Blue Tang School
 Blue-Spotted Cornetfish
 Bluehead Wrass Adult and Juviniles
 Bluehead Wrass Juvenile
 Bluehead Wrasse
 Bluestripe Grunt
 Bob Fish
 Bonefish (Grey Ghosts)
 Branching Vase Sponge
 Branching Vase Sponge
 Brown Chromis
 Caesar Grunt
 Caribbean Reef Squid
 Caribbean Reef Squid
 Caribbean Spiny Lobster
 Caribbean Spiny Lobster
 Clown Wrasse
 Common Sea Fan
 Corkscrew Anemonome
 Creole Wrasse
 Creole Wrasse
 Creole Wrasse Juvenile
 Cushion Sea Star
 Cushion Sea Star
 Dave (Guide) at wreck
 Dave at Wreck
 Dave Diving
 Dave Returning Seastar
 Doughnut Sea Rod
 Dusky Squirrelfish
 Eliptical Star Coral
 Emerald Parrotfish
 Encrusting Gorgonian
 Fairy Basslet
 Feather Duster Worm
 Flamingo Tongue
 Foureye Butterflyfish
 French Angelfish Intermediate
 French Angelfish Juvenile
 French Grunt
 French Grunt
 French Grunt Intermediate
 French Grunt Juveniles
 Giant Anemone
 Giant Anemone
 Giant Anemone
 Giant Anemone
 Giant Anemone
 Giant Enemone
 Glass-Eyed Snapper
 Golden Zoanthid
 Gray Snapper
 Gray Snappers
 Graysby Defending nest
 Great Barracuda
 Great Barracuda
 Green Clinging Crab
 Harlequin Bass
 Knobby Brain Coral
 Lane Snapper
 Lane Snapper
 Leafy Rolled-Blade Alga
 Longfin Damselfish Juvenile
 Longjaw Squirrelfish
 Longjaw Squirrelfish
 Longspine Sea Urchin
 Longspine Sqirrelfish
 Longspine Squirrelfish
 Low Relief Lettuce Coral
 Lumpy Overgrawing Sponge
 Mat Zoanthid
 Mustard Hill Coral
 Mustard Hill Coral
 Mutton Snapper
 Nassau Grouper
 Nassau Grouper
 Nassau Grouper Getting Cleaned
 Nurse Shark (~6 foot)
 Orange Spiny Sea Rod
 Orange Spotted Filefish
 Painted Wrasse
 Peacock Flounder
 Pearly Blenny
 Porous Searod
 Princess Parrotfish
 Puffcheek Blenny
 Queen Angelfish
 Queen Conch
 Red Hind
 Red Hind
 Redband Parrotfish
 Rock Hind
 Saddled Blenny
 Saddled Blenny
 Sailors Choice
 Sand Tilefish
 Scaled Lettuce Coral
 Schoolmaster Intermediate
 Schoolmaster Juvinile
 Scuba Fish
 Seaweed Blenny ?
 Sergent Major Juvenile
 Sharon Fish
 Sharon with friends
 Sharpnose Puffer
 Slippery Dick Wrasse
 Smooth Trunkfish
 Southern Stingray
 Southern Stingray
 Southern Stingray embrace
 Southern Stingray soft underbelly
 Spanish Hogfish
 Spanish Hogfish Juvenile
 Spiny Sea Fan
 Spotfin Butterflyfish
 Spotted Trunkfish
 Stoplight Parrotfish
 Stoplight PArrotfish Juvinile
 Symetrical Brain Coral
 Tan Hamlet
 Ten-Ray Star Coral
 Thin Leaf Lettuce Coral
 Thin Leaf Lettuce Coral
 Three Row Sea Cucumber
 Vase Sponge
 Vase Sponges
 Venus Sea Fan
 West Indian Sea Egg (Urchin)
 White Grunt
 White Grunt (colors reflected)
 White Scroll Alga
 Y Branched Algae
 Yellow Goatfish
 Yellowfin Mojarra
 Yellowhead Wrasse
 Yellowhead Wrasse
 Yellowhead Wrasse Initial Phase
 Yellowhead Wrasse Juv
 Yellowtail Damselfish (Male)
 Yellowtail Damselfish Juvenile
 Yellowtail Parrotfish
 Yellowtail Parrotfish Initial Phase
 Yellowtail Snapper