Baths Reef
 Baths Silversides (2")
 Caneel Bay (Right side) Common Octopus
 Caneel Bay Caribbean Reef Squid
 Caneel bay Common Octopus
 Caneel Bay gathering
 Caneel Bay Gray Angelfish (12")
 Caneel Bay Netted Barrel Sponge (18" diameter)
 Caneel Eggs of ????
 Caneel Grouping
 Caneel Hawksnest Bay
 Caneel Nursery
 Caneel Octopuses Garden
 Caneel Peacock Flounder (see it?)
 Caneel Pillar Coral
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel reef Caribbean Reef Squid (8")
 Caneel reef Caribbean Reef Squid (8")
 Caneel reef Caribbean Reef Squid (8")
 Caneel Reef Community
 Caneel Reef Houndfish (12")
 Caneel right reef
 Caneel Smooth Trunkfish
 Caneel Trumpetfish "hiding"
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left
 Hawksnest Beach Left - Version 2
 Little Caneel Branched Finger Coral
 Little Caneel Coral
 Little Caneel Coral
 Little Caneel Knobby Brain Coral Community
 Little Caneel Mustardhill community
 Little Caneel Octopus's Garden
 Little Dix Bay nursery
 Little Dix Bay nursery
 Little Dix Bay Schooling Surgeons, Doctors, Spotted Goat and Blue Tang
 Little Dix Bay Surgeonfish Schooling (10")
 Little Dix Bay Trunkfish
 Little Dix Nursery
 Little Dix Schooling Juvinile stripped Parrotfish
 Little Dix Schooling Yellow Goatfish
 Mosquito Island
 Mosquito Island Honeycomb Cowfish (12")
 Mountain Island Trunk (North)
 Mountain Island Trunk (North)
 Mountain Trunk (North)
 Mountain Trunk (North)
 Mountain Trunk (North)
 Mountain Trunk (North)
 Mountain Trunk North
 Savannah Blue Tang school
 Savannah Blue Tang school
 Savannah Brain Coral (48")
 Savannah Reef
 Savannah Reef
 Scott (right side) Horse eye Jacks
 Scott Bay (Right)
 Scott bay Colorful friends
 Scott Bay Coral Head
 Scott Bay Decorated Queen Conch
 Scott Bay Green Sea Turtle
 Scott Bay Green Sea Turtles
 Scott Bay Octopus's Garden
 Scott Bay Reef
 Scott Bay Right
 Scott Bay Trumpetfish
 Scott Beach Giant Anemone with Spanish Grunt Juv
 Scott Beach Queen Conch decorated
 Scott Beach Striped Burrfish
 Scott Beack (right side)
 Scott Reef (right side)
 Spring Bay
 Spring Bay
 Spring Bay
 Spring Bay - Under a shelf
 Spring Bay (North) Hawksbill Sea Turtle
 Spring Bay (South) Blue Tang School
 Spring Bay Bar Jack & Yellowtail Snapper
 Spring Bay Common Octopus
 Spring Bay Common Octopusses Garden
 Spring Bay current swept Elkshorn coral
 Spring Bay Glass eyed Snapper
 Spring Bay North
 Spring Bay Reef North
 Spring Bay South
 Spring Bay South Hawksbill Sea Turtle
 Spring Bay South Wall
 Spring Bay South Wall
 Spring Bay South Wall
 Spring Bay Spanish Hogfish
 Spring Bay Yellow Goatfish and Bar Jacks