001 Arrival!
 002 Midnight Swim
 003 Splash!
 004 Such a cute outfit!
 005 Luca with weights
 006 Luca Fish!
 007 Littel diver
 008 Mid Air
 009 Mamico & Luca
 010 Wave Rider
 011 Let's ride together!
 012 Good eaters all!
 014 Relaxin
 015 Stacie Franks
 016 Jesse Fish (with lots of bubbles)
 017 Danielle
 018 Feeding the Fish
 018 Luca & Poppy
 019 Giving the Princess a ride.
 020 Dancing Luca
 021 Who's that girl in the mirror???
 022 Sandy & MIles
 023 Lola & Sandy
 024 Lola
 025 Lola after dive
 026 Lola
 027 Miles
 028 Smiling Luca
 029 Luca
 030 Flying Lola
 031 Flying Miles
 032 Flying Poppy!
 033 Lola Cannonball!
 034 Running Luca to the pool!
 035 MIles & Kevin
 036 Kevin the camp counselor
 037 NOT Switzerland!
 038 Girl attack
 039 Mamico relaxing
 039 Relaxed Kevin
 040 Kevin & Luca
 041 Ready to go shopping!
 042 At the mall
 043 With Piggy
 044 Riding Poppa!
 045 Happy Luca fish
 046 Luca & Mamico in their element!
 047 Lovin' the hot-tub bubbles
 048 Little Gymnast 1
 049 Little Gymnast 2
 050 Feeding the Koi
 051 Future Chopin
 052 Playing a memory game
 053 Twinkletoes
 054 Joeli & Luca
 055 Luca diving
 056 Joeli
 057 Joeli & Luca diving
 058 Freinds
 059 Zoe
 060 Zoe in the bubbles
 061 Joeli
 061 Joeli in the bubbles
 061 Luca in the bubbles
 062 Luca and Poppy playing in the mud
 063 Japanese Stein Set
 063 Luca's Rabbit
 063 Mamico's Chopstick holders
 064 Mamico playing Bob's flute
 065 Guess where!
 066 Guess where!
 067 At the tour
 068 Gathering the news
 069 Flags at CNN
 070 Mommies gift almost complete
 071 Mamico & Luca
 072 Kumico's cute dress
 073 Silly Luca
 074 Piano Lesson
 075 MIles
 076 Miles fish
 077 Cute Luca Fish
 078 Luca riding Kevin
 078 Graceful Mamico Fish
 079 Luca in the bubbles
 080 Lola on the bottom
 081 Lola just sittin' around
 082 Kid-fish everywhere!
 083 Where's the squid?
 084 Lola and Luca
 085 Miles in the bubbles
 086 Lola fisher-woman
 087 The Stein Boys (Ken, Kevin & Dan)
 088 Nancy, Iulia & Jeremy
 089 Shwetha, Jeff and Devon
 090 Luca splash-landing
 091 Ethan riding high!
 092 Ethan splash-landing
 093 Ethan and Devon
 094 Happy Pappa & Luca
 094 iPad games
 094 Luca Future snorkeler
 095 Kenny on the harpsichord
 095 Little thinker
 096 Goin' Fishin'
 097 Fishin' Field's Pond
 097 Meet Mr Bluegill
 097 Pretty Fishergirl
 098 Sharon's summer smile
 099 Danny Fish
 099 Luca riding Pappa
 100 Pappa riding Luca
 101 Future Carmen actress
 102 Ken on synthesizer
 103 I'm ready to go shopping!
 104 Little harpist
 105 Concert
 106 Uncle Dan & Luca
 107 Mositoshi 2008
 108 Masitoshi's Bench '10
 109 Masitoshi's Bench '12
 110 Masitoshi's bench '13
 111 Out of the foam blocks
 112 Falling can be fun too!
 112 Luca Exploring
 113 Flying Pappa
 113 Happy Flyer
 113 Out of the foam blocks
 113 Summersault
 114 Levitating Luca
 115 Flying
 116 Erin 2013 - Skyped meeting with Luca
 117 In Grammy's hat
 118 Yellow Rose Girl
 119 Sitting in the grass
 120 Pretty Luca
 121 Pretty Luca
 122 Ken's last morning here this year
 123 Ken leaving
 124 Riding Poppa
 125 Tickling Pappa
 126 Silly Luca
 127 Watching "My Littel Pony"
 128 It's 4:30 and I'm Sooooo tired!
 129 Conflicted Luca: Misses home but wants to stay!
 130 Bye, bye and Safe Travles
 131 Dan about to leave