Caneel Bay Longspine Squirrelfish & Blackbar Soldierfish
 Caneel - Paradise Point
 Caneel Bay
 Caneel Bay Peakock Flounder (Can you see it?)
 Caneel Bay Right Side
 Caneel Reef
 Caneel Right
 Caneel Right side
 Caneel right side Queen Angelfish
 Hawks Nest Bay
 Hawks Nest Bay Common Sea Fan
 Hawks Nest Bay Coral Head
 Hawksnest Bay Silversides
 Hawksnest left wall
 Hawksnest Octopuse's Garden as found
 Hawksnest Octopuse's Garden as found
 Hawksnest Reef
 Hawlsnest Reef
 Littel Caneel
 Littel Caneel Spotted Moray Eel (4'?)
 Scott Bay right
 Scott Beach Grey Angelfish Juvenile
 Scott Beach Right Shelf Porcupinefish (24")
 Scott Beach Southern Stingray & Bar Jack
 Scott Coral Head
 Scott to the right
 Scott to the right