Spotted Drum (6")
Spotted Drum (6")
Honeycomb Eel
Chain Moray Eel (18")
Peakock Flounder (12")
Harbour Villiage Silversides w/ reflections
Keeltail Needlefish (12")
Princess Parrotfish (?) (12")
Spotted Scorpionfish (10")
Trumpetfish (15")
Lionfish b
Spotted Moray eel (3 ft)
Scrawled Filefish (15")
Black Margate (12")
Comb Jellies (3")
Bar Jack (15")
Smooth Trunkfish & Sharptail Eel (12")
Sharptail Eel (12")
Web Burrfish (6")
Web Burrfish (6")
Banded Butterflyfish (4")
Stoplight Parrotfish (15")
Sharonfish Getting that shot
Chogogo Ladyfish dancing!
French Angelfish (15")
Palometa (10")
Sharon with Palometa
Smooth Trunkfish (6")
Queen Parrotfish (16")
Stoplight being cleaned by cleaning gobies
Porcupinefish (24")
Blue Chromis (4")
Rock Beauty (6")
Permit (14")
Mirrorwing Flyingfish (6")
Monti’s Divi reef - Blue Tang School
Yellowtail Damselfish Male Juvenile (1") AKA "LED Fish"
Peocock Flounder (10")
Flat Needlefish (15")
French Angelfish (12")
Commonf Tern
Bermuda Chub (12")
Green Sea Turtle
Bobfish on last day of diving
Green Sea Turtle